





中壢.平鎮.楊梅.龍潭.八德.蘆竹.桃園.龜山.新屋.大溪.大園.南崁.觀音.龍岡.埔心.內壢.山仔頂值得推薦的房屋二胎 房屋借錢 當日撥款喔! 新竹房屋二胎 新竹房屋二胎 竹北房屋二胎 新豐房屋二胎 湖口房屋二胎 新埔房屋二胎 竹東房屋二胎 芎林房屋二胎 關西房屋二胎 寶山房屋二胎 峨嵋房屋二胎 北埔房屋二胎 橫山房屋二胎 五峰房屋二胎 尖石房屋二胎 全省服務豐原房屋借款 西屯房屋借款 北屯房屋借款 南屯房屋借款 烏日房屋借款 大里房屋借款 沙鹿房屋借款 清水房屋借款 太平房屋借款 新社房屋借款 大雅房屋借款 大甲房屋借款 后里房屋借款 梧棲房屋借款 神岡房屋借款 龍井房屋借款 大肚房屋借款 石岡房屋借款 潭子房屋借款 外埔房屋借款 東勢房屋借款 霧峰房屋借款 和平房屋借款 東區房屋借款 南區房屋借款 西區房屋借款 北區房屋借款 中區房屋借款 全省房屋二胎三胎借款,土地借款 土地持分借款( 建地,農地,山坡地,林地及各種科目土地都可,持分也可以借款) 全省服務 土地一胎借款,二胎借款,三胎借款 台中.大安.大甲.外埔.清水.神岡.后里.東勢.梧棲.沙鹿.大雅.潭子.豐原.石岡.新社.龍井.西屯.北屯.大肚.南屯.西區.北區.東區.南區.太平.大里.烏日.霧峰.中區.和平.北投.士林.內湖.松山.中山區.大同區.中正區.信義區.大安區.文山區.萬華.南港.宜蘭.頭城.礁溪.壯圍.員山.羅東.五結.三星.冬山.蘇澳.大同.南澳.中壢.平鎮.楊梅.龍潭.八德.蘆竹.桃園.龜山.新屋.大溪.大園.南崁.觀音.龍岡.埔心.內壢.山仔頂.基隆.七堵.八堵.安樂.中山.仁愛.信義.中正.暖暖.五堵.新北市.烏來.三峽.新店.石碇.坪林.鶯歌.樹林.土城.新莊.板橋.中和.永和.深坑.平溪.雙溪.貢寮.瑞芳.汐止.三重.泰山.林口.八里.五股.蘆洲.淡水.三芝.萬里.石門.金山.新竹.竹北.竹東.新豐.關西.湖口.新埔.峨眉.尖石.五峰.橫山.芎林.北埔.寶山.高雄.楠梓.台南.永康.嘉義.彰化.南投.金門.台東.屏東.花蓮.澎湖.房屋二胎借款,房屋借款,二胎借款,當日撥款,急用借款,房屋三胎,急用借錢,低利貸款,低利借款,利息最低,房屋二胎,二胎增貸,土地借款,土地二胎,三胎借款,二胎,三胎,借款,貸款,增借,增貸,農地借款,農地二胎,持分,持分借款,房屋持分,土地持分,房屋貸款,房屋增貸,房屋增借,土地貸款,土地增貸201712114



2018-04-12 03:00

By Crystal Hsu and Ted Chen / Staff reporters

Leofoo Tourism Group (六福旅遊集團) said that its premier property, Westin Taipei (台北威斯汀六福皇宮), is to cease operations at the end of this year because it has failed to make positive earnings contributions for the past 20 years.

The group announced its decision on Tuesday after receiving notice from the property’s landlord, Cathay Life Insurance Co (國泰人壽), that the lease, due to expire on Dec. 31, would be terminated.

“We are grateful to all employees and customers for the past 20 years and will apply the experience and know-how we have learned to the group’s other hotel brands,” chief operating officer Lulu Chuang (莊豐如) said in a statement.

The high-end facility on Taipei’s Nanjing E Road had an occupancy rate of nearly 70 percent last year, with an average daily room rate of NT$6,387 (US$219), outperforming its local peers, Chuang said.

Despite the strong showing and assorted awards it has received, the hotel failed to make earnings contributions since its establishment in 1999, the statement said.

Westin Taipei has formed a task force to ensure the rights of customers would not be affected before the closure, it said, adding that it would continue to roll out discounts and promotions.

The group last month ended a contract to build an upscale resort hotel in Tainan.

Chuang last week said the group is seeking to restructure its finances this year in the hope of returning to profit next year.

Although Westin Taipei generated 39.74 percent, or NT$1.29 billion, of Leofoo Tourism Group’s annual revenue last year, it has been operating in the red, Chuang said.

Shuttering the lossmaking facility would not affect the company’s operations, but would free up resources for other endeavors, she said.

Apart from a slump in Taiwan’s tourism sector, the hotel has also been pressured by annual rental increases, leading to a net loss of NT$240 million last year, Chuang said.

In addition, Leofoo Tourism Group is facing NT$400 million in breach of contract penalties for its failure to meet dining revenue targets set by its landlord.

Cathay Life yesterday denied claims of rent increases.

The life insurer said that since the 20-year lease agreement with Westin Taipei was inked in 1999, the company had voluntarily cut the rent by 7.3 percent in 2004 in consideration of a SARS outbreak that year.

The rent was further reduced by 20 percent from 2009 to last year, the life insurer said.

Cathay Life said that it has committed significant resources to supply the land and build Westin Taipei, and that its leasing and profit-sharing arrangement are typical and structured to account for the risks it has taken on.

The life insurer, which is also a landlord to other hotels, said that it would renovate the 20-year-old property and seek new partnerships to improve asset utilization.



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